Come on a quest with me to find ancient essential oils in archeological remains from over 4,000 years ago; meet an herbalist on the magical island of Aphrodite who has devised a signature fragrance for our mythical goddess of love; then travel to modern Germany to harvest and distill the cool weather oils: Melissa (Lemon Balm), Angelica, German chamomile, and more! Put yourself in my pocket and let's see what unexpected treasures we can find on our journey. (As with all blogs, please read from the bottom up. New posts are placed on top of earlier ones.)

Monday, June 13, 2011

In Cyprus.

It must be Virgin Mary festival in Cyprus, too. All the shops are shut and so are the banks. Craft kiosks line the Finakoundes boardwalk along the town-beach and they are setting up for an outdoor concert this evening. (Hah!)

That afternoon of decompression on the beach was just rained out by a booming thunderstorm, complete with lightening and wind. So, here I sit in an internet cafe taking refuge from the storm. I doubt whether that evening of music under the stars will happen, either. I feel like Pig Pen who carries his cloud of dirt with him wherever he goes, only my cloud is stormy weather. First hail and rain in Philadelphia, then spitting rain in Dusseldorf, now a freak tropical thunderstorm in the Mediterranean. All that after the marble size hail we had in Fair Oaks on several occasions that knocked the baby oranges off our tree. I hate to sound like a Sad Sack, but I only planned one day for the beach and THIS WAS IT! (I even bought a new swim suit and went to the gym for a month!) Makes me wonder if the archeological dig will even be open tomorrow. Likely it will just be a mud-pit...

Let's see. I always preach flexibility to my patients. Perhaps I can take some of my own medicine. Either that, or do an un-rain dance. Tomorrow was to be a trip to the ancient perfumery; the next day is to the Cedars, and the two days after that are to the herbalist's farm. RAIN, RAIN GO AWAY!

WOAH! Boombereezie! That's what they call thunder in Greek and we just had a huge one right over-head. This is more like Beirut rain rather than the gentle stuff we used to get here. Let's hope it passes quickly.

Stay tuned for the adventures of Indianina Jones and the Temple of Perfume. Will she or won't she?


  1. I've begun an "unrain" dance for you! Hang in there! Hugs, Debbie Thode King

  2. First you have to take your thumb out of your mouth (Thode :) Thanks for the support. I'll let you know if it works!

  3. I know...right? Can't type today!

  4. Think of the rain as nature's way of messaging your body and hitting tiny pressure points along the way. Ah, peaceful?

  5. Indianina Jones and the Temple of Perfume...I like it!
